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Executive Development

Your Leadership Team Accounts for 70% of the Variance in Engagement-

Engagement Drives Performance.

What grade would you give your team?

Do you know your leadership style?

When a leader operates from their strengths, credibility increases as does influence. Results are on target and team is engaged.

Resilient Thinking Traininng

Training & mentoring program  combines emotional intelligence & resilience for better decisions, problem solving and confidence.

Executive Coaching

1:1 coaching to fine tune focus, develop strengths, master strategy. Successful leaders at all levels have a coach. Move your team ahead further & faster.

Executive development pays off. It will unlock the potential inside your executive team. In the rapidly changing environment that exists, it is necessary to both speed up AND slow down. Leaders have to balance their focus on tasks with relationships. Training is required to learn how to balance these competing systems. Without training the stress reaction takes over, compromising leadership skills: problem solving, decision making, empathy, self awareness, communication, clarity and concentration, to name a few!

Our coaching works.We combine assessment, coaching & training. ACTion plans that transform business as usual.

The greatest leaders have a coach.

I started with the emotional intelligence assessment and went into a coaching process. The insights I gained led to action steps that gave me new skills to coach my own team and improve my own performance.

Because of the coaching, I went  for the promotion and my career energizes me again.

Sheryl C., MBA, RN

After working with Dr. Howard, I was more effective identifying the problem and focusing on solutions. This has helped me motivate my staff. Easily I can say I have had more than I expected in ROI.

Celeste F.

Fellow AIS

listed in the ACHE Directory

Green Belt Lean Sigma in process