7 Steps to Take Before You Ask for the Raise

If you’re thinking of asking your boss for a raise, it’s important to have a plan. Step back and think this through. Spend time to qualify your value contributions and it will be easier to convince your boss that you’re ready for that financial reward.

Here are 7 Steps to Take Before you Ask for The Raise:

  1. Be consistent.

Most people will occasionally give work 100%. You get noticed when you consistently make the effort, show up and give your boss your full attention. Being consistent is a discipline requiring self awareness. We talk about that later in the post.

  1. Be proud of your company.

Too many employees treat their job as something they do in between vacations. Take the time to learn the mission of the company and how you personally can contribute to its fulfillment. This will help you with the most important step we discuss later in the post.

  1. Rise above gossip.

Staying positive and above the office politics will set you apart from your team members. The word, gossip, originated in the eighteenth century when the King would ask his couriers to “go sip” in the pubs and listen in on what the folks were saying about him. He then took action against those who spoke negatively, sometimes taking their lives.

  1. Come prepared with solutions.

Everyone is quick to point out company flaws or problems, but few have thought about a solution to the problems. Be the person with the energy and insight to address challenges and offer up your ideas on how to change it. Even if the ideas are not used, you show up as a ready and willing team member who wants a better workplace.

  1. Come ready to work.

It is more than frustrating to have your coworkers come to work only to take another 15 minutes to “get ready” for work. Show up early, settle in, and get right to work.

  1. Increase your self awareness.

This is the number one characteristic of successful leaders. They know themselves. They understand the impact they have on others. They continue to learn about their strengths and what they can do to develop those strengths. Taking assessments will help you learn more about you. Listening to feedback and probing to learn how you could do better is also helpful. Yes, it can be tough to take feedback, and some it may be off base, or so you think. Feedback is another’s’ perspective. This information helps you see how you are being perceived. While this may not match your intention, by listening and asking more questions, you can learn what to do to improve.

  1. Make a list of your value contributions.

This is the most important step. By following the other 6 steps will help you make this list. Ask yourself, “What would happen if you were not in the job for 2 weeks, a moth, a year? What are the specific contributions you make, that no one else can duplicate?

If you are stumped, no worries. This is not always easy. We do have a process, in the Work Smart Club, to help you learn your strengths and understand how to talk about your value contributions.

If you’ve tried these suggestions and still don’t get the raise you’ve asked for, don’t despair. Your efforts are not wasted, they set the foundation for you going forward. You can ask your boss to agree to a plan of action with a deadline to map out a future raise.

Whatever happens, build on this positive momentum you have created to advance your career and move ahead.

The Work Smart Club

is an online center for Work & Well-being with short training you can consume on the go as well as courses that dive deeper into the subject.  Membership is a great value!


About Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD

Performance Consultant. Unleashing potential in leaders and organizations through innovative performance development.